WOW! How blessed am I? Recently, l left my 9-5 job as a Bank Manager, I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew that I wasn't able to give my very best to my family after giving my very best every day to my job. My family was getting the left over's of me, after my stressful days at work. That is when I really took a leap of faith backed by my husband and children's support, I QUIT. Yikes- scary I know!
I prayed so hard, asking YHWH (God's real Hebrew name) to please guide me and lead me to do what it is I am supposed to be doing. After quitting my job, my dad and I started studying the Bible every morning. We are really trying to grow closer to YHWH, and that is when it hit me like a TON of bricks....T-Shirt's!!!! Sharing the love of YHWH, through my creativity.
If you're just now finding out that God's real name is YHWH, join the club!! It wasn't too long ago that I also discovered it. Which is why I am now on my journey to find out why!!?? Repeatedly in the Bible it tells us to call on His name!! Well, He didn't say His name was God... He said it was YHWH. Some believe that His name is to sacred to say, however, in Exodus 3:14, when Moses gathered the courage to ask "Elohim" (the maker of Heaven and Earth) what his name was, this was his response: "And Elohim said to Moses EHYAH ASHER EHYAH (I AM THAT I AM), and He said, you shall say this to the sons of Israel, EHYAH has sent you."
I am no preacher, nor do I want to pretend to be one, I am just sharing the unsettling feeling I have felt since learning this news, and now I can't help but feel drawn to learning the "why" behind this. I know, there are many different languages, however, if my name is Shaina, and I move to Italy, would my name suddenly become "Josefina"? No, my name would still be Shaina. I suppose this is one reason for feeling compelled to share His real name. How blessed are we to know it? <3
Learning His real name has made me question a lot of things in my life like, (why haven't I read the Bible from start to finish)... EVER, and I consider myself a Christian!? In order to grow closer to Him, we must be in the word. Through His word, we are fed, and He allows us to learn more about Him by doing so. He wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him. We need to desire Him first in all that we do.
Thank you for reading my journey, visiting my page, and supporting my small business. I pray that I am able to inspire others to seek the truth and grow closer to the creator of Heaven and Earth... YHWH- the Elohim of all "gods"! There are many "gods", but there is only one maker of Heaven and Earth and his name is YHWH, our Elohim! Go in Peace to learn the Word! <3